This diverse and interactive workshop (in-person only) addresses the hurdles of transmission bandwidth limitations in optical communication systems, exploring solutions of broadening the bandwidth and increasing data capacity from various perspectives including device manufacturer and subsystem developer (e.g., II-VI), full system provider (e.g., Nokia), and research institutes (e.g., NIT, ORC, AiPT).
Through keynote talks, interactive sharing sessions and networking opportunities, the workshop will benefit the professional development of PhD students, early career researchers and practitioners, create a two-way flow of knowledge transfer, and provide an excellent platform to explore the application of Aston technology.
We organise this event in the frame of celebrating the International Day of Light 2022.

Dr. Mingming Tan, Dr. Morteza Kamalian-Kopae, Dr. Vladimir Gordienko, Aston University: Recent advance in optical communications at AiPT
Dr. Son Thai Le, Nubis Communication USA, “Single-ended coherent reception for high baudrate transceivers”
Dr. Giuseppe Rizzelli, Politecnico di Torino, Italy, “Coherent solutions for next-generation intra-data center communications”
Dr. Kai Shi, Microsoft, UK, “Towards Power-Efficient Data Center Networks”
Ms. Yu Wang, Southampton University, UK, “Bismuth-doped fibre amplifier for O+E band”
Mr. Robert Emmerich, Fraunhofer HHI, Germany, “Recent Experimental advance in Optical Multiband Transmissions Systems for S-C-L-Band”
Dr. Yang Hong, University of Southampton , UK “Ultra-wideband IM/DD transmission over hollow-core fibre”
Dr. Pawel Rosa, National Institute of Telecommunications, Poland, “Signal power asymmetry optimisation: how it all started and where are we now”
Dr. Sijing Liang, University of Southampton, UK, “Discrete Raman amplifiers for C+L band”
Dr. Ian McClean, II-VI Photonics, UK, “State of the art optical amplifier: from the industry perspective”
Dr. Son Thai Le, Nubis Communication, USA
Dr. Son Thai Le is with Nubis Communications. He was a researcher at Nokia Bell Labs, Murray Hill, NJ, USA. He obtained his PhD in January 2016 from Aston University, UK. After that he joined the Digital Signal Processing department at Nokia Bell Labs in Stuttgart Germany before joining Nokia Bell Labs in NJ, USA in May 2019. Son Thai Le has demonstrated many transmission records in reach, capacity and spectral efficiency of Nonlinear Frequency Division Multiplexed and short-reach transmission systems. His current research interests include optical single-sideband modulation, short-reach direct detection and new signaling and architecture for 5G mobile fronthaul. In 2018, Son Thai Le was awarded as “Innovator under 35 Europe” and “Innovator of the year (Germany)” by MIT Technology Review for his contributions in fiber optical communications. He was the recipient of the “Best Paper Award” prizes at the German Information Technology Association (ITG) in 2018 and at NICS in 2019.
Dr. Kai Shi, Microsoft, UK
Dr. Kai Shi is a researcher in the system and networking group of Microsoft Research in Cambridge. His research aims are to use optical technologies to build systems and networks for next-generation data centers.
In the past, Dr.Shi had been a research associate at University College London where he indulged in high-capacity fiber transmission systems. He hold a M.Eng. and Ph.D. degree from Huazhong University of Science and Technology and Dublin City University respectively.
Dr. Giuseppe Rizzelli, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Dr. Giuseppe Rizzelli is senior researcher at the LINKS Foundation and lecturer at Politecnico di Torino in Turin, Italy.
He received his PhD in Electronics Engineering from Alcalá University (Madrid, Spain) in 2018, where he worked on distributed Raman amplification for both long-haul and unrepeatered optical communications.
Prior to enrolling in the PhD program, he was affiliate researcher at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (CA, USA) where he worked on mode-locked lasers synchronization.
He recently joined the Computing Photonics and Electromagnetism division of the LINKS Foundation, where his main research focus is on short-reach optical communications both for metro access and datacenter scenarios.
Dr. Pawel Rosa, National Institute of Telecommunications, Poland
Dr. Paweł Rosa received the habilitation degree from the Polytechnic of Warsaw, Poland, in 2020. He is currently working as an Associate Professor with the National Institute of Telecommunications, Warsaw, Poland, with the main focus on blockchain technology. He is a National Representative for Poland in the EU European Blockchain Partnership Technical Group with the aim to establish a European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI) that will support the delivery of cross-border digital public services, with the highest standards of security and privacy.
Dr. Rosa dissertation in B.Eng. on Wireless Sensor Networks was awarded the H.E. Pulsford Memorial Prize for the Best Final-Year Project in an electronic engineering discipline. After graduating, he was also awarded UK EPSRC case-studentship to continue the Ph.D. Research at AIPT, Aston University, in 2014, and after receiving his Ph.D., he was awarded two consecutive MSCA fellowships under HORIZON 2020, first with the Spanish National Research Council, CSIC, Madrid, Spain, and then the National Institute of Telecommunications, Warsaw, Poland. In 2020, he was a recipient of the Young Scientist Award for Excellence from the Ministry of Education with the First Position in Poland in an electronic engineering discipline.
Ms. Yu Wang, Southampton University, UK
Ms. Yu Wang is an upcoming research fellow in the Optoelectronics Research Centre (ORC) at the University of Southampton in the field of Development and Application of Broadband Bismuth Doped Fibre Devices. Her research interests include optical fibre amplifiers, doped fibre spectroscopy, fibre design and fabrication. She has authored and co-authored in 35 publications and has attended several international conferences, including a postdeadline paper at OFC 2020 and an invited talk at SUM 2021. In 2019 she was awarded the Prof Sir David Payne Student Scholar Award and in 2020 she was awarded the Doctoral College Research Award.
Mr. Robert Emmerich, Fraunhofer HHI, Germany
Mr. Robert Emmerich was born in Meiningen, Germany, in 1982. He received the B. Eng. degree in telecommunication engineering from the University of Applied Sciences HTW-Berlin, Berlin, Germany, in 2013, and the M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from the Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany, in 2015. Since 2016, he has been a Research Associate with the Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich-Hertz-Institute, Berlin. His research interests include application of multiband transmission systems with higher order modulation and broadband digital coherent receivers and transmitters, where he is working toward the Ph.D. degree.
Dr. Yang Hong, Southampton University, UK
Dr. Yang Hong received his PhD degree from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) in 2018. He was a visiting researcher at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Melbourne, from December 2017 to May 2018. In September 2018, he joined the Optoelectronics Research Centre (ORC) at the University of Southampton as Research Fellow and was promoted to Senior Research Fellow in January 2022. His research interests include optical wireless communications and networking, advanced signal processing, high-speed optical fibre transmission, and ultra-wideband transmission. To date, he has published more than 80 publications in top-tier journals and flagship conferences, including 32 journal papers (of which 5 were Cover/Invited/Top-Scored/Post-Deadline/Editor’s Pick papers), as well as 22 OFC/ECOC/CLEO papers, of which 4 were Top-Scored/Extended/Highlighted/Post-Deadline papers. Dr Hong currently serves as an Associate Editor for Frontiers in Communications and Networks and is a regular reviewer for various journals, including IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Journal of Lightwave Technology, Optics Letters, Optics Express, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, and IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, etc.
Dr. Vladimir Gordienko, Aston University, UK
Dr. Vladimir Gordienko is a Research Fellow leading research teams working on fiber optical parametric amplifiers and optical wavelength converters at Aston University (Birmingham, UK). He has authored and co-authored over 30 papers and provided breakthroughs and novel concepts in areas of ultra-wide, Raman-assisted, polarisation insensitive, and phase-sensitive operation of fiber optical parametric amplifiers. Vladimir received the B.Eng. degree in optical technology from Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russia, in 2010. He was awarded a scholarship for Erasmus Mundus MSc program MAPNET and holds dual MSc degrees from Aston University and Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies (Pisa, Italy) in 2013. He was awarded the Ph.D. degree in broadband fiber optical parametric amplifiers from Aston University, in 2018. He then joined EPSRC funded projects UPON and FPA-ROCS and worked on delivery of two industrially funded projects.
Dr. Morteza Kamalian-Kopae, Aston University, UK
Dr. Morteza Kamalian-Kopae received his PhD in electrical engineering from Aston University, Birmingham, UK. Since graduation, he has been with Aston Institute of Photonic Technologies (AIPT) as a research fellow working on the nonlinear Fourier transform and its applications in optical communication and nonlinear systems dynamics. He is also interested in stochastic signal processing and machine learning techniques in digital communication in optical and 5G/and beyond networks. He is currently also working on optical implementation of neural networks emphasising on structure-less RNNs such as reservoir computers.
Dr. Mingming Tan, Aston University, UK
Dr. Mingming Tan works as a Research Fellow at Aston Institute of Photonic Technologies (AiPT), Aston University where he received his Ph.D. degree in electronics engineering in 2016. His expertise lies in optical fibre communications and Raman amplification. He has published more than 90 journal and conference papers, 14 invited presentations in international conferences, and one invited book chapter. He has been a co-chair/TPC member at ACP, ICTON, PIERS, and IEEE SUM since 2018, and serves as a guest editor of the journals MDPI Photonics and Applied Sciences. He has been the principal investigator/co-investigator in several grants, including EPSRC standard research grant, Royal Society international exchange grant, National natural science of foundation of China grant, Aston impact fund, and industry funded projects.
Dr. Ian McClean
Dr. Ian McClean is Product Manager for II-VI Photonics in Paignton, UK, where he specialises in the development of ROADM products for optical networks. With 23 years of experience in optical amplifier design for Nortel Networks, Bookham Technology, and Oclaro, Dr. McClean is a respected leader in the field and has written multiple patents and papers on various technology aspects for optical components. He is a Chartered Engineer with the IET and serves as a PI for the IEC’s standards working groups on optical amplifiers and dynamic modules. Dr. McClean is a member of the ECOC Technical Sub-Committee on Fibre, Fibre and Free Space Devices, and Fibre Amplifiers. He also serves as an External Industrial Adviser for the WON Industrial Advisory Board and the EE and PE post-graduate Industrial Steering Committee at Aston University. He obtained B.Eng. and M.Eng. degrees in Electronic & Electrical Engineering from the University of Bradford and holds a Ph.D. in Engineering focussing on II-VI thin-film semiconductor device development.
Dr. Sijing Liang
Dr. Sijing Liang obtained her Bachelor’s degree in optical engineering in Zhejiang University, China, in 2014, after which she joined the Optoelectronics Research Centre (ORC) at the University of Southampton, UK, for her PhD studies in the field of thulium doped fibre amplifiers/lasers and relevant applications from 2014 to 2018. She is currently a research fellow at the ORC working on broadband amplifiers for the C and L band based on different technologies (Raman amplification and optical parametric amplification). Her research interests include fibre amplifiers/lasers and nonlinear frequency conversion.
The workshop is funded by Aston Impact Fund, UKRI EPSRC Grant ARGON (EP/V000969/1), Royal Society International Exchange Grant (IEC\NSFC\211244), ETN WON (GA 814276), supported by Aston Optica/SPIE Student Chapter. In particular, we appreciate the kind support from Tatiana Kilina and Nataliia Manuilovich.